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SNL, Ruth Bader Ginsburg must not die!

SNL, Ruth Bader Ginsburg must not die! If Ruth Bader Ginsburg stays alive for four years Roe V Wade is as safe as it was with 20 years of Scalia. An and Kennedy has to survive that long as well.  I find the flaw in myself on this election, as it is with the protesters, I am talking and worrying too soon, we have to take each issue as it comes after the White House goes Orange.   One bright side of all this is that Professor Allan Lichtman of American University who called this and every presidential election since 1984 also predicted Trump would be impeached.  I wonder if the throngs of fainting Mussolini supporters in 1930 ever imagined to see their el Duce and his first lady hanging by their toes outside their residence?

What will happen when Deplorable American find no auto plants, no steel miles, stores with no lettuce, strawberries or tomatoes and everything else worse than it was before.  Our fears should not be so much domestic policy as it should be foreign policy. Shunning globalization is a losing proposition.