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SNL, Seth & Kermit do GOP Pizza is a Vegetable, REALLY!

So, the Republican Congress which has a job approval rating of 8%, has declared frozen pizza a vegetable. Why? Well because taking enormous bribes from the FOOD LOBBY is more important to them than children’s health.

They also want to eliminate free school lunch programs for children, free breakfast programs for children, food stamps for hungrey children, Medicaid for children, Head Start, Public Eduction, and of course their claim that Michelle Obama is a totalitarian socialist for submitting guidelines to fight child obesity.

All which leads to putting more children at risk, creating more children with diabetes and will increase health care costs for everyone, shove kids off affordable insurance plans and get this, half the people in America vote for these dickheads. REALLY!

How do I know Republicans are dickheads? It is a faith based matter and as such cannot be argued.