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Standard and Poors is the problem! Morin

The very minute I heard about this Standard and Poors threat to the President regarding America’s credit rating I could not believe what I was hearing, I expected the media to be laughing about it within 5 minutes. But I waited and waited to find that no news source, in any medium do anything but act like it was mana from Heaven. MY GOD MAN! Standard and Poors is more at fault for this Recession than any other entity for giving Triple AAA ratings to the derivative mortgage game. Which put on automatic mutual fund managers and 401k managers, and cities and states to automatically buy that crap up by the container load.

And what did Standard and Poors and the other two rating companies pay for that biggest economic horror show in American History? Bonuses… Golden Parachutes… Tax Breaks… And a free ride by the media…

So it took me 3 days to find anyone to say this and it was not on any news show including MSNBC, it was on the editorial page of Florida newspaper… Gosh…