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Stephen Colbert: 49% of GOP say ACORN rigged election and a frothy santorum

santorum frothy mix of feces and semem

Two things jump out with this one.  First that half of Republicans believe that an organization that they destroyed two years ago and no longer exists, used voter fraud to beat Mitt Romney. You see? Even a black organization that doesn't even exist is made up of black criminals with criminal intent to destroy democracy.

Secondly, that Rick Santorum bringing his dying child to the podium to lead Republicans in their fight against people with disabilities world wide – and who just the other day joining Right-wing conspiracy extremist Joesph Farah and WorldNetDaily (WND.COM) gives a reprieve and honorable mention to Dan Savage.  Santorum – the frothy mix of semen and fecal matter. [Joesph Farah wrote Rush Limbaugh's best seller, SEE I TOLD YOU SO]  Santorum's entrance into this also is another reminder of just how disgusting the American brand of Christianity has become.

Together these two issues show that the TEA PARTY – based upon conspiracy, lies and racism – is not going anywhere anytime soon.  All but 7 Republican Senators publicly voting  against “cripples” for us all to see – who already suffer a serious “screw you” brand problem – did so because they are craptin' their pants afraid of losing their seats to Tea Party nutcakes come 2014. Oops. I have to make that all but NINE, as Rand Paul and Jim DeMint are the TEA PARTY in the Senate.