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Stephen Colbert, Anthony Weiner is a Weiner, Breitbart now 1 for 4

Weiners just talk about it, Republicans DO IT. 

THEY say Breitbart has a photo of the the clothless erect Weiner wiener.
Breitbart blackmailed the Weiner at the press conference yesterday in front of God and everyone. Either he gets a personal apology from the Weiner or the picture gets leaked. 
Of course the same people who think Sarah Palin represents the "intelligentsia" of the GOP would deny that, just as they deny evolution, climate change and what intolerant bigots they are.
Breitbart claims he is too far above the sleaze to release the picture. Andrew Breitbart is the ugliest sleaze artist to come along since Joe McCarthy. 
So hold on to your hats! Get ready for the Andrew Breitbart / Bart Simpson I DIDN’T DO IT press conference. Coming soon to a lame stream media outlet near you!