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Stephen Colbert Does Sexist Roy Den Hollander

Gosh… hehehe… Gee… I mean this is really funny… 

Who could of guessed that a bad divorce sent this bozo over the top?

I like how in defending himself from any accusation of bigotry he says he will represent anyone including "heterosexual" men.

My worry, no matter how disgusting this guy may be, is that this video will make him a Fox News Republican Tea Party star.

And for those of you who have not listened to Rush Limbaugh as extensively as I have, this guy is just Rush Limbaugh after losing a few pounds. And we all know how attractive Mr. Limbaugh is. Well his back pocket anyway… Well that is unfair. He didn’t have any real money during his first two (of four) marriages, those wives married him no matter. They both left him though because he was a sexless couch potato who didn’t want kids.