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Stephen Colbert finds the New and Improved Christian Ku Klux Klan!

kkk gone christianI kinder gentler and more Christian Ku Klux Klan. What crap, it has always been Christian. When I first moved to Texas some 30 years ago I found myself in a local Klan bar down by the wharf. They were at that time burning Vietnam shrimp boats. I liked the bar because it had chickens, and it was fun finding eggs here and there. I was given their cards in case I wanted to join up to drive out “the gooks” in a Christian manner, burning.  What jumped out at me on the card, was in big bold print: GOD RACE COUNTRY.  And you never ask questions, when God’s on your side.

More recently I had driven my boy’s rock band to play down at the Santa Fe Community Center one afternoon. Santa Fe was made famous some years back when Pat Robertson came to town and bought hand held electric blow horns for all the parents to pray to Jezus at their Friday Night Football games [not using the PUBLIC address system]. As I wandered around the community center I was surprised to see a rather large invite on the bulletin board advertising Klan meeting at the center on Thursday nights.  Klan meeting on public property.

A reminder. Are the Republicans going after Social Security? Not really.  Are the Republicans going after Medicare? Not really. The recipients of both those programs are they largest constituency. Are they going after defense spending. Come on… So the words DEBT, DEFICIT, ENTITLEMENT, TAKERS, MOOCHERS, WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS are all, ALL OF IT, cuts on the poor who are perceived as black and brown.