The dumbest person in elected office will be a tie until January when Michelle Bachmann leaves the House to Louie Gohmert. But the dumbest person in America would be Pat Robertson. Though if the Lord does take him, I expect the throne will go to Sean Hannity.
All graphs showing CO2 and warming trends look just like this. All of them. Where a gigantic spike rises with the industrial age. But no matter, Oil and God rule the American intellect.
I would be hard pressed to find anything dumber than those who laugh Global Warming away because it’s cold where they are. That silly mix of anecdotal evidence and parochialism. The stupidity of that on so many levels makes me look to my bag of hammers for answers. The stupidity on this issue is so profound and ubiquitous that the scientific community has had to rename the process Climate Change – the immediate lead in issue to better explain it to nitwits. Of course that did little good as it too is a lie and a hoax perpetrated by smart people.
As the Nobody Gruber issue has taken over Fox News, talk radio, Republican talking points, Maxnews, the Drudge Report and so on, we now see the proof in the pudding of what I have been preaching here for many years.
That it may not be so much about red and blue, urban rural, black and white as it is smart and stupid. And who is yelling the loudest about all this? You got that right. I cannot think of anything idiots hate more that being reminded of what idiots they are. Oops. Forgot about the a wholes, which is why Right-wing media of all kinds is so profitable. There are billions in making idiots and a wholes feel good about themselves. And who better to do that job than Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity? d who has the biggest shiniest booty.
Smart people got no reason
To live
They got great big brains
And little dicks
They run around
Acting like dickheads
They got their noses in the air
Lying through their teeth
With degrees on the wall
And sandals on their smarty pants feetWell, I don’t want no smart people
Don’t want no smart people
Don’t want no smart people
`Round here