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Stephen Colbert responds to threat by Karl Roves Lawyers

Come on Karl, sue Stephen Colbert!  Please…

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We have a system in which those who have the most money not only have the most free speech but are allowed to purchase the most votes. That is a fact.

To combat our system of high bribery, the Republican Party and the Republican Supreme Court have made it worse by putting no limits on the process. Pedal to the the metal. As Newt Gingrich has been screeching for 20 years, there is not ENOUGH MONEY in the election process. 

Now add to that that most Republican held state legislatures have passed laws to suppress the vote of 5 million people in the next election by making it harder for the poor, the infirm, the old, the young, Hispanics and Blacks to vote. Under the false pretense of voter fraud which does not exist. This too is all fine and dandy with the Republican Supreme Court.

Democrats, take the House and IMPEACH CLARENCE THOMAS.

Let’s be done with this crazy right-wing drool coming from the Supreme Court. Thomas most certainly deserves impeachment far more than either Earl Warren or Abe Fortas.

Thomas and his wife are not only both taking bribes from the Koch Brothers, but they are cheating on their income taxes as well. And what’s even more disgusting, is Thomas wallows in it and gives us the finger. He knows a GOP House will not do anything, and even if it were to go to the Democrats, he knows what a LYNCHING it would be perceived as. There has been no worse Supreme Court Justice in American History than Clarence Thomas.  That is a fact too.