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Stephen Colbert, Scott Walker guns in capital but not cameras!

Guns now in the Wisconsin State House but cameras are against the law. Of course you know why this is. No one really knows who their State Legislators are. Or when to vote for them. So most are elected by either small off election turn out, straight ticket pulling or blind jabbing at names. This means Beavis and Butthead are easily elected into our state houses. And of course there is nothing Repulbicans like better than Beavis and Butthead having 9mm semi automatics with 20 round clips steaming in their seats about communists in the White House and how African Americans get all the gravy. Last thing they want are pictures or videos of them "Being Beavis." 

And how about that new Health care plan!  If that goes to any of the many State Legislatures across the nation which now have Republican super majorities, lots of women with breast cancer will be wearing pink boots running behind garbage trucks. Or is there a Colbert mix up here and the idea is really from The Onion?