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Stephen Colbert Seated by First Lady BS’s Guest. Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon

Stephen Colbert Seated by First Lady, and B.S's French President at WH Dinner. Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon
Stephen Colbert had lots of news to share on his second visit with Jimmy Fallon, new host of ‘The Tonight Show.’ For instance, it’s a very big deal to be invited to the White House for a State Dinner!  Stephen and his wife received just such an invitation last month, and Mr. Colbert nearly blew it. Perhaps because he was flustered, Stephen may have believed it was a joke when the First Lady invited him to sit next to her during dinner, an honor by anyone’s  standards.  Naturally, Stephen blew the invitation off, snubbing the First Lady, and Mrs. Obama sat with an empty chair by her side.  Actually, that isn’t how it happened – but only because of Stephen’s wife and her quick intervention.

After convincing him the invitation was real, his wife told Stephen a little story.  “You know when you were a little boy and your mother said ‘Sit up straight, put your napkin in your lap, and eat with your best manners, ’cause someday you might have dinner at the White House?’ This is what she was talking about! Do not blow it!”

Stephen didn’t ‘blow it’ but you won’t be surprised that he was inclined to show off a bit when he exchanged pleasantries with French President Francois Hollande, utilizing his minimal high school French. It must have been convincing, because Hollande later directed rapid-fire French conversation at the befuddled Colbert, who admits now that he “completely bullcrapted the President of France.”

Next up is a role for Stephen in the new Rocky & Bullwinkle movie “Mr.Peabody & Sherman.
The film is described as The time-traveling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavor to fix a time rift they created.  The film  opened March 7th.
Colbert’s love affair with Rocky & Bullwinkle goes way back…So much so, that he compares it with modern cartoons which aren’t funny, but are given laugh tracks and  foisted off on children. I could swear I heard ‘The Disney Channel’ mentioned here.

We’re left with the image of one of the funniest man in America shuddering when he sees his kids watching those unfunny cartoons. Colbert aptly  likens it to a professional chef watching his children enjoying a big portion of dirt.