92% of Americans are for universal background checks but Republicans wish to allow 8% of the population to make that decision for the rest of us. It is like taking a family cross country road trip and letting grandma choose all the music.
What gets me after these massacres is those who ask WHY and HOW this just keep happening and happening. Each one is a bit different, but there are a few common denominators universal to all.
A nation that promotes, celebrates and worships guns like no other place on Earth.
Semi-automatic weapons with over sized magazines.
Single angry white male gun enthusiasts.
What are the options? There are only three options.
A Democrat in the white House.
One or two more liberals on the Supreme Court.
A Democrat as Speaker of the House and 60 Democrats in the Senate.
The icing on the cake of course is the NRA with 5 million members or 1.5% of the population in control of one of the two parties in American politics by blatantly and directly handing them money or the intimidation to fund a primary opponent. Which is primarily responsible for few if any moderates left in the GOP. What the media chooses to miss, for share, is that the NRA is two things, a PAC for gun manufacturers to sell more assault rifles, and more importantly a badge of honor for extreme right-wing ideology in all things catering cater to every single angry white male gun enthusiast in America.