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Stephen Colbert, Torture is the Great Legacy of George W Bush

Stephen Colbert explains that torture is legal because pro torture Republican lawyers the Bush Administration hired said it was legal.

Stephen also explains that torture is not wrong, so say human rights experts Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and most importantly, fictional TV character Jack Bower of “24”. George W. Bush has asked Americans to sacrifice something! Understanding right from wrong.

As an early riser I catch my morning news on MSNBC Mornin’ Joe with Conservative ex-congressman from Florida, Joe Scarborough. I am in total boycott of CNN because of Lou Dobbs, a truly evil human being, who has so sullied CNN I am surprised any other commentators on that network have the balls to show themselves without a coat over their heads. Republican Lou Dobbs – CNN’s Ethnic Cleansing Guru

The subject of torture came up one morning last week as a guest on the show decried the process. After most of a year of watching Scarborough and his moderate public face on things, I saw him actually go  nuts. Never has he been so angry, so animated, screaming, spittle flying and carrying on like a mad man in defense of torture.

The public face of Republican moderation melted away to give way to the core of what “conservative” really means in America. Not only that torture is the right thing to do, but so are unnecessary wars, preemptive wars, collateral damage, executions, corporal punishment, and everyone waltzing through life with assault rifles in their pants. The GOP Cult of Violence. Oh and not to mention denying Habeas Corpusand Due Process while, spying on each other and enlarging government to make reproductive decisions for women and control of relationships of gay men and women.

But I keep hearing there is some good in everything and everyone, even the Republican Party.

Hmmm… Let’s see now… Ummmm…. Got it!

An unregulated financial industry and tax breaks for the wealthy!

Makes one wonder where the GOP would be if it were not for their flag pins and claiming God as their own?