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Stephen Colbert, Torture, its what Jesus would do

Here’s the thing that burns my butt more than anything.

That here in America the more Christian you purport to be, the more you accept, advocate, promote and act upon torture, execution, war, selfishness, smacking kids around, greed, hate, intolerance, bigotry and ignorance.

It began in earnest with Jerry Falwell, Ronald Reagan and the GOP with these as these so called Christians not only corrupted Christianity beyond all recognition, but bastardized Jesus Christ into an NRA, gun wielding, bomb dropping, assassinating, selfish, a whole who leads the wealthy though the eye of a needle to Heaven while kicking the poor out of the way with his steel tipped boots. It really phises me off.

But, if anyone wants to adhere to all that above mentioned Right-wing swill under the banner Libertarian Ron Paul ideology where it belongs – that is fine with me. But putting it on the back of Christ and calling it a religion is beyond disgusting.