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Stephen Colbert touts the Republican Health Care Plan

One would think that all that needs to be done to get the public option insurance plan going would be to say to each and every Republican House member and Senator, "Hey dude, either give the rest of us the same government health insurance you enjoy so much or shut your Goddamn mouth you prissy little wankers!"

Which reminds me, every time, every single time some prissy Republican Wanker [I was told this non existent work needs to be capitalized] disparages the Government or any Government run entity, loudly sing the Marine Song, "From the Halls of Mont e zooooo OO ma to the shores of Tripoli…" While still singing yank off their flag lapel pin and shove it up their nose. Then, once the unclasped flap pin is embedded well up their snout, give it a couple of those index finger thumb snaps to hit the point home. Semper Fi !