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Stephen Colbert, Trump to eliminate the DEP – Department of Environmental

Stephen Colbert, Trump to eliminate the DEP - Department of EnvironmentalPreaching to the choir is Donald Trumps forte, after all how many of his fans also want to eliminate the Department of the Environmental, which would be the DOE not the DEP. There are lots of good reason to vote for Donald Trump beside the DEP, here are just a few.

  • He may or may not nuke Europe. Depends if they treat him fairly or not.
    No women who are ‘fat pigs’, ‘dogs’, ‘slobs’, or ‘disgusting animals in his administration!  Which leaves out all his female fans.
    He is not beholding to lobbyists and billionaires, he is one.
    He will install a new police agency to round up 11 million Mexicans and put them on trains buses concentrated in fenced off family camps.
    He will build up the military to greatness, leave entitlements alone, lower taxes and pay off the debt.
    He will bomb the Hell out of them!
    He will sue them!
    He will build a real wall bigger and greater than the Iron Curtain. Out of real iron.
    He says all the awful horrible bigoted, racist, sexist things his fans say they are thinking.
    He will take care of everyone.
    He will not let Mexicans into Western Union offices.
    Absolutely he will start the biggest trade war in human history.

And of the course the kicker. In the long run Donald Trump would be better than Ted Cruz installing a theocracy under Sharia Christian Law.  A Donald Trump presidency would be more fun than a monkey in your pants. Just him running for the nomination is circus, imagine him and his gang in the White House. Or his State of the Union speeches, or the inaugural! Or his appointments! That’s the thing about a Trump Presidency, it would last only a few days before the impeachment proceedings began.