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Stewart: Gingrich quits, Romney reBoots and Obama gets cooler

It is hard for me to understand how half of us will vote for not only a cold putzy multimillionaire, but a cold putzy multimillionaire who is loudly telling us he will fight hard to bring back all the policies that caused the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. And who is on a box shouting how he will take away rights and benefits from African Americans, Latinos and Women.  

It’s hard to understand what these people are thinking. Especially when Obama is so much more personable, intelligent, and cooler in so many respects than Mitt Romney. What else could it be that has these Republicans so wound up against President Obama?  Hmmm… What could it be… Bill Maher calls it "Blacky McBlack in the White House", Chris Matthews recently got in trouble for saying it’s the "Grand Dragon wing of the GOP." And Al Sharpton said its racism. What does Al Sharpton know about it, he is Black for christsake!

One cannot accuse Republicans of racism. No no no you can’t. Because THEY DON’T LIKE IT! And if they don’t like something, they get MAD and angry and tune in Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and buy more guns. So what’s it matter? That gang of RACISTS will do all that anyway.