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Sudan March to Execute British Woman

I am sure I was not alone in early 2003 saying this idiot in the White House had no idea what he was getting us into with his war in Iraq. A parochial stay at home dad whose world view extends little past the brush line of his Texas ranch who has no concept of THE OTHER. These specific OTHERS are much like George W. Bush in that their religion comes first which there is no chance of changing. Whether it’s executing a teacher in Sudan, beheading 15 year olds in Afghanistan, beating and jailing rape victims in Saudi Arabia, or shooting your neighbors in the head in Iraq, we are not going to change them by hook, crook or war (which only incites them further).

This one picture of the march in Khartoum to force the government to execute a woman whose grade school students named a teddy bear "Mohammad" says it better than any graphic I have ever seen. Look down that street into infinity going far beyond what you can see – from North Africa to Indonesia. Hundreds of millions of people who think the same way. It is a different world we have no business being in. Osama bin Laden is right on at least that. Calls in sudan for Execution of Briton (NYT)