The smart thing for the GOP to do when they get back is jettison Benghazi, AP and the Fox News so called scandals and just…
Things seem to have taken a turn for the better this week compared to last. Big news being the President’s positive poll numbers are rising…
If you can project the fearless journalists Woodward and Bernstein into today’s 2013 Washington D.C. they might remain nobodies, if you believe the Benghazi-Gate hype!…
The kicker there is 225 weeks of it. Non stop. Republican scandaling [have I made a new word? By verbing a noun like “primaried”? Have…
So much scandal overload at once has the GOP dazed and confused. As expected they are speaking too soon and overreaching. Benghazi This week we…
I picked this political cartoon from many many just like it! Gosh… What I have noticed in all this is how different cable news deals…