I dare you to watch this video of Trump supporters and then tell me that reaching out to them will get even one of them…
. If You’re Looking For Misinformation, Go To Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page Who woulda guessed Russian hacking claims: Joe Biden tells Trump to ‘grow up’ Oh…
This cartoon depicts the present media spin on the inherent violence of Democrats at their rallies who are no less violent than what happens at…
Speaking of false equivalencies, the media ginning up the Democratic debates as hostile, angry and mean spirited after Bernie said and I quote, “I think…
“Donald Trump spends two hours on his hair each day, Bernie’s barber is the wind,” or “Donald Trump’s wife was a swimming suit model, Bernie…
The theme here, good guys Batman versus Superman, is that the Sanders and Clinton camps are at each other’s throats, that there are Sanders supporters…
Hillary beats Bernie with the black vote because she has Bill “Saxophone” Clinton, Morgan “Velvet Voice” Freeman and did the whip and the naynay on…