I really don’t care, do you? Reading and listening to his right-wing swill for decades, I was taken aback last week when Charles Krauthammer announced…
. There is more to this O’Reilly / Krauthammer back and forth than just the fun of watching the rancor between a highbrow conservative intellectual neocon…
The big story this week is that in some areas the Affordable Health Care Act is causing premiums to rise as much as 22% as…
Emotion is the only reason anyone would vote for a Democrat says Bill O’Reilly. As we watch endless Republican political ads that Obama is bringing…
Charles Krauthammer, claims Obama is a narcissist, though from his own reckoning he himself is three times the narcissist as President Obama. This “I” issue…
This one is chuck full of fun! Let me tell you. Finally we see Michele Bachmann as the true genius she is. Perhaps what with…
Every so often a conservative Republican will say something so disgusting that it opens the door to telling the truth about them. Charles Krauthammer is…
The Krauthammer spon on the best speech of both conventions was that Bill Clinton hates President Obama so much that he rattled on and on…
Hurricane Obama! He has control of all hurricane information, and just may be a hurricane himself. Rush Limbaugh what a guy. And get this, 20…
I got three words to put all that in perspective: HANK, WILLIAMS, JR. Hell I can even do it in two words: TED, NUGENT The…
Another happy go lucky Fox News pundit says he doesn’t buy one line of anything First Lady Michelle Obama had to say. Unlike Brit Hume…