The most dangerous kick to democracy so far in this administration came yesterday with Alternate President Trump’s tweet that 3 to 5 million Hillary votes…
. I like how this H.L. Mencken quote needs to substitute a tall President Obama with Sarah Palin to keep the perspective intact. Well Vice…
. It is long overdue for The Media to start calling a lie a lie and a liar a liar. What? They are afraid of a…
. “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” Those words by H.…
This time their billion dollars into the election cycle paid off for them. 28th Amendment to the United States Integrity and honesty being necessary to…
The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive This one is more loaded than it may seem.…
There is no doubt about it, Republicans are doing all they can to destroy the foundation of our democracy. It is not only that every…
Have you noticed how rarely you hear a Republican refer to “democracy”. In fact the word “republican” means representative government rather than a democratic government.…
What a mess in Egypt. We have to side with the Islamic Brotherhood who are executiong police, burning down churchs, murdering Coptics and Christians, and…