The caption on the delusional breast feeder should be “Republican Voters”. For it isn’t just birther madness, it is also evolution, global warming and the…
He is A-GIN it! What is it that can cause people to actually go to this scumbag’s church and listen to his hateful swill? What…
Who wants to be the most bigoted State in America? Where’s Mississippi and Alabama in this! Get to work! And of course not to forget…
Our TeaParty reporter on the street lil’ Susie Sampson questions (sigh) – Average Americans about gay marriage, and finds that maybe a new name…
In the cartoon titled ‘Pray for Reign, Mark Fiore examines the two sides of public opinion regarding gay marriage, and Obama’s daring position in…
Jon Stewart does his impression of Urtle the Turtle, who is alive and well in the Senate! The moderate Republican spin on Gay Marriage was…
The two biggest issues of the Christian Right are abortion and gay marriage. Neither of which Jesus Christ had anything at all to say…
Jim Bob gives us his two cents worth on the gay marriage ban in his home state. Needless to say Jim Bob is relieved that…