CBS published this photo of LAX shooter and gun enthusiast Paul Ciancia who was shot after killing a TSA officer with an assault rifle. Gun…
Notice the order of the flags. Me, Revolution, Racism and THEN America. In was no surprise AT ALL that Ted Cruz returned to Texas with…
We are all getting to recognize George Zimmerman’s Honda truck hey? With this video release from August – which was between the two speeding citations…
The most recent gun massacre at the naval shipyard found that nothing could have been done from keeping this gun enthusiast from a gun. Nothing…
How much blood do we need to get the gun law graph high enough for action? This is probably much like our success in accepting…
“One fact has long been crystal clear: ‘Shoot first’ laws, like those in Florida, can inspire dangerous vigilantism and protect those who act recklessly with…
There could be a bit of an overreach in this cartoon, but if Mr Bennett had narrowed it down to assault rifles it would be…
This was a lucky day for the people of Santa Monica. A gun enthusiast on a rampage with a .44 magnum handgun, an AR-15 assault…
In our post racial nation, General Foods had to remove the Youtube comment section for this video for all the racist swill it generated. Click…
What we need is more guns in more places and in more children’s hands. There is something very very wrong with these gun enthusiasts. It’s…
Still gun crazy after all these years. Speaking of emotions… I am always quick to present the altruism issue. That the whole problem is the…
George Takei is about as cool as it gets. This idea also works for bad neighbors and a whole coworkers. If they are nasty to…
The Houston Chronicle gave a quarter page photo and column to Gun Enthusiast Ted Nugent on Saturday. He is still covered in crap. The new…
I wish more pundits would follow my lead and use the kinder gentler term GUN ENTHUSIASTS rather than GUN NUTS. The new President of the…
“It should be noted that being shot in the head by a lunatic does not give one any special grace to pronounce upon public policy…