What we need is a Second Coming, or is that a Third Coming since we got The Donald? The problem of course with the Second…
Patty cake patty cake bakers man, lock up the Negroes as fast as we can. Steven Grunt Bannon is very well represented in this piece,…
John Oliver describes marijuana, basically as ‘catnip for people’ but cats have never suffered for a few minutes of undignified, loopy enjoyment. Happily, Marijuana is…
How to grab hold of that Jeff Sessions look? Sure one could double down on the cheek rouge and wear glasses down your nose, but a…
In lieu of Sessions pending war on the poor by drug testing those on assistance here is a Rack Jite Blast from the past. By…
Trump’s elation after his address to Congress on Tuesday, quickly plunged into bitter recriminations and the need for alone time this weekend at Mar-a-Lago. Three…
White House leaks last night found Mad King Donald getting more angry than he has ever been, and not at the media or the disabled…
Across social media and the comedic world Jeffery Beauregard Sessions the Third is being portrayed as a Hobbit. I suppose for his small stature, his…
What is so very very mind bending not only about all this Russian crap, but now VP Pence using AOL for government use as Governor…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at major new questions surrounding the Trump campaign’s alleged contacts with Russia in general, and Jeff Session’s contact in…
Trump’s Attorney General pick Jeff Sessions was too gawd-awful and racist to qualify as a federal judge for Reagan! As Susie Sampson quips, “Relying on…
. Here we have Sam Bee making fun of Jefferson Beauregard Confederacy Scarlett O’Hara Cotton Gin Sessions III’s name. But he is a sound choice for…
. Bill Maher worries too much about Russia. Bad vicious dogs do not get along for long. I hear Putin was TIME magazine’s second choice…
. I have only one good thing to say about Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Third as Attorney General, it’s a step up from Rudy Giuliani.…
Cartoon – Senator Jeff Sessions as the first big Donald appointment is not so bad. Sessions is one of those old school racists from Alabama…