The folks who bring us the facts and figures which prove Obama’s every act brings financial and moral ruin, have whipped up their base with…
First Lady Michelle Obama sat down with Jimmy Fallon to talk about healthcare and how you can get it…Even if you’re young, invincible and nearly…
[jwplayer file=”″ image=””] Hurry and sign up, George Zimmerman is still walking around.
There are no longer enough jobs to go around and there never will be again. That elephant in the room is of course being ignored,…
The ads from the Koch Brothers have already began. “CBO SAYS 2 MILLION JOBS LOST TO OBAMACARE!” First of all it is not jobs lost…
BUCKLE DEDUCTIBLE BUCKLE DEDUCTIBLE BUCKLE DEDUCTIBLE I haven’t seen Republicans this happy since MSNBC fired Martin Bashir for giving Sarah Palin a well deserved and…
There was some tension between O’Reilly and Obama before the interview even started and it went downhill from there, as Jimmy Kimmel shows in this…
The Obama Administration is having a tough time getting young people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. Jimmy says “They expect young people…
Happy New Year from Little Suzie Newsykins! Find out what Little Suzie is resolving to forget this New Year. She’d like to make sure that…
So, what’s more offensive? A picture of a keg stand or funding an actual party of beer shooting keg stands? The real issue is why…
Would Obamacare by any other name smell as bad? Well there you have it. It’s fking good for most and fking bad for some. The…
You know, 20 years ago we went through this same thing. Almost exactly the same if fact. At that time Newt Gingrich was the Mad Hatter…
[jwplayer file=”″ image=””] This Obamacare Fail thing is big. I have noticed that since the messy roll out Bill Maher is now using the term…
And after Obamacare kicks you in the dick, death panels kill your children which are then roasted and eaten by socialist moochers. Word is out…
This is much like having so many silly doctors in the House of Representatives. I guess what happens is that Right-wing doctors understand that if…