The program which started in 1989 with a whisper is now a viral sensation. Joanna Rohrback shared the quiet beginnings of her creation, ‘Prancercise’ with…
‘May the 4th be with you.’ A special message that reveals the ugly truth about May the 4th, also known as Star Wars Day.
betta fish food After viewing any number of alleged 'Harlem Shake' videos, I was quite convinced that whatever the people were doing or suffering had…
Special report! America's Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, AKA FoxNews' embedded reporter in the War on Christmas, is back from the battlefield: A local mall.…
Repeat after me: 'I'll have a Costa Rica Finca Palmilera Grande made from the finest Geisha beans Please, Here's Seven dollars my good man' …And…
John 14: “In my father’s house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you. ” This wonderful promise has sustained many,…
Josh Weden is the popular and influential film maker who directed The Avengers, created popular space western Firefly and brought us Bucky the Vampire Slayer…Just…
It appears that Mrs. Betty Bowers, “The World’s Best Christian,” has been reading Rackjite’s posts for years! Here she joins him in attacking hypocrisy –…
Jimmy Fallon is a very thankful man, he never seems to run out of things that he is grateful for and is prompt to acknowledge…
Only in New York City will you see a Redneck On the Street speaking to a clammed up Lady Liberty in search of her ‘huddled…
The two candidates show up for their frequent meetings at a favorite clip joint and the talk flows to a number of topics. Romney…
Despite what you see in this parody, Internet Explorer 9 is receiving some good reviews from reputable reviewers. That said, this parody of Microsoft’s cutting…