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Tea Party boycotts Aladdin at Disneyland

This is done so well that if it did not have FOD all over it one would think it’s the real thing. In fact I am still not all that sure it isn’t. 

Many do not know much about Freepers. The nickname of the members of the website freerepublic.com. The primier Right-wing Libertarian site on the net. But they also have an activist wing which for over a decade has been out on the streets in their uniform (white shirts and red ties) screaming their ugly Looneytarian crap. Though I have been deleted from their website not a few time in a matter of minutes for no reason other than asking a couple questions they didn’t want asked.

My first actual view of them was long ago during a Philadelphia celebrity volunteer cleanup of the city with ex presidents from both sides chipping in with paint brushes and such. Off to the side in the background, leaning over a barricade were the the Freepers, young, white shirts, red ties fists in the air screaming that volunteerism being communism. Ugly politics which was the forerunner of the Tea Party more than a decade ago.