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Tea Party cheers Rick Perry charges Bernake with treason

Treason is a capital crime. Execution. Tea Party cheers. Tea Party is an obscenity as it is defined by the Supreme Court. You know it when you see it.

Rick Perry in the debate last night doubled down on charging Ben Bernake with Treason and that Social Security is a monstrous lie and Ponzi scheme. AND HE WASN’T RIGHT-WING ENOUGH for the Tea Party audience.

I hope everyone noticed when Perry goes off on these obscene issues he is addressing  "young people". Which seems to be his plan for the general election. Getting the GOP to vote for him is a no brainer, he has them all. But to win he has to get a majority of the independent vote. So best go after the kids who don’t know any better.

Rick Perry is now ahead of Mitt Romney by 20 points. 

You know, the very very unpopular truth of all this?

Perry 2012 – Jesus Loves Executions, the NRA and Selfish Intolerant Assholes.

American Evangelical Christianity has succeeded in making Jesus Christ in their own image.