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Teabaggers Aghast! Obama Chewed Gum at D-Day Ceremony

Obama Chewed GUM at D-Day Ceremony Teabaggers Scandalized!
Teabagger unsocial media is aflame today, excoriating President Obama for his tacky behavior, after being caught chewing gum at the solemn D-Day ceremony!  Unlike recent presidents, we simply can’t dress Obama up and take him anywhere without extreme embarrassment.  Some sharp-eyed spectator, perhaps peering through a gun-site caught the subtle jaw motion of President Obama, and the lady next to him – also chewing. It should be noted, his mouth was not agape like a cow chewing its cud, nor was he blowing bubbles, despite the badly photo-shopped picture we’ve used.

Perhaps Obama and the identified lady didn’t bring enough gum for the entire class, because this has been the most embarrassing scandal Teabaggers can remember at this high level of statesmanship.  The French first noted the offense which was immediately picked up and inflated on American Twitter feeds. Oddly, the U.S. made much of ‘Freedom Fries’ at one time, because ‘no one cares what the French think…n’est-ce pas?


Wonkette said it best after Newsmax felt it necessary to remind everyone that Obama is a repeat offender:
” The US leader faced similar attacks on social media after he was seen apparently chewing gum during Nelson Mandela’s funeral in December.  The most powerful man in the world has faced an on-off battle to quit smoking and often chews a nicotine-based gum to drive away the craving.  Would the more elegant solution be lighting up a cigarette?”

Even ruling out the nicotine defense, I suspect it was a long and thirsty ceremony where carrying a Big Gulp or a plastic water bottle would be more tacky – I’m just saying. There…Get over yourselves. Some of the candidates the Teabaggers trotted out at the last election would have been chewing tobacco and sort of spit-drooling it into a charming little cup.