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Ted Cruz wingnut of the GOP Wingnut Wing

ted cruz wingnut

Notice the order of the flags. Me, Revolution, Racism and THEN America.

In was no surprise AT ALL that Ted Cruz returned to Texas with an 8 minute long standing ovation at a hotel during the COME AND GET IT assault rifle rally at the Alamo this weekend.  He has a 70% approval rating with Texas Republicans. We would make him King if we were allowed. 

Over the weekend here in Texas we had some big fun at the Alamo!  Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson – who is running for Lt Governor – recently took control of the Alamo from The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. After 100 years of tradition he handed the grounds over to the NRA and the Tea Party for their “COME AND TAKE IT” dare to the police as they carried Bushmasters, AK47s and AR15s with extended magazines to the Alamo. All because a San Antonio Starbucks refused service to a couple open carry customers some time back. After all, nothing we enjoy more in Texas than having our morning donut and coffee in a room full of very angry white men flashing their  guns. It’s who we are.

The theme of the Alamo rally was to “Get America used to seeing people carrying assault rifles around.” So said all Texas GOP candidates running for statewide office. All of whom  have recently called for the impeachment and removal from office of President Obama. And these are the moderate Republican in Texas.

While we are now getting used to seeing people in Washington, Denver and California with a joint, here in the old confederacy we are getting used to seeing really angry right-wing nuts carrying assault rifles.  What could be more different than that I ask you?

Oh one other thing the lame stream media is afraid to tell you. The rally, the Alamo, the standing ovation, the 70% approval, is all about WHITE PEOPLE.