This very entertaining and well-done video from Political Subversities Comediva brings home the view moronic Republican legislators hold of women and their reproductive lives. Why these men are so obsessed with it all remains a mystery, but their fanaticism takes priority over job development, education and infrastructure. One would gather that women, who (as far as we know) have possessed vaginas since the dawn of time, do not have a clue as to what to do with the troublesome things. I know I speak for us all, when I say that we all anxiously await their next directive.
In legislation this week: While the words vaginal probe still ring in our ears and legislators in various states are cooking up yet more ways to impede women’s rights to contraception and abortion,Trent Franks (R-AZ) and his fellow Republicans are braced to push women’s rights back forty years nationwide this week if possible. The ’20 week abortion ban’ bill HR 1797, places the government strategically in the stirrups, between a woman and her doctor. President Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it reaches his desk.