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Texas Congressman Steve Stockman to Bring Texas Ted Nugent to State of the Union speech

steve stockman ted nugent state of the union

“Obama, he's a piece of crap. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary [Clinton], you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless witch.” Ted Nugent 2007

Steven Stockman rode into Congress with the 1994 Republican Gringrich Revolution. He lasted 2 years before he was tossed out for being too stupid for even Texas. 20 years later and 20 years dumber he has managed to get back in Congress in this last election because the Texas Legislature gerrymandered a new hardcore GOP district. Stockman is presently in the process of submitting impeachment proceedings against President Obama on behalf of gun lobby groups.

So Ted Nugent who usually carries TWO, yes TWO, guns on him at all times, is going to attend the State of the Union address tomorrow night as Steve Stockman's guest. But I must give Stockman an credit for one thing. After doing extensive image research on the net I found only TWO, yes TWO people stupid enough to have their pictures taken with Ted Nugent. Sarah Palin and Governor of Texas Rick Perry. So give Steve that at least.

He has also progressed from his last 2 year stint when he was easily defined as the number one nutjob in Congress, because this time, he only comes in second because Texas already has the winner of that in Louie Gohmert.

“If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” April 2012

Also keep in mind that this invite could be just an example of Stockman's compassion as Ted Nugent will be in jail or dead in just two months.
