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Texas NRA Gunloon Gunnuttery at the Capital in Austin and friend Tim McVeigh

What with it being the 15 year anniversary of Tim McVeigh doing his little ditty in Oklahoma, a story over the weekend down here in Dumbutt caught my eye.

McVeigh is just another example of how the Republican Talking Points (with the help of the media) tell us every few minutes that the political angst leading to violence across America is all equal between left and right.

You know like the Klan and the Tea Parties being equal to ACORN and Gay Parades. We also all know damn well that had the Tea Parties been around 15 years ago Mr McVeigh here would have been front and center. But the guilt is all EQUAL!  After all, Earth First once spiked trees and Peta threw blood on people. Same thing.  169 = 0. Republican math.

The NRA and gang are angry! They are so hot the smell of roasting cordite sauteed in gun oil has entered the jet stream.

Security police are putting in a metal detector at the entrance to the Texas Capitol Building in Austin! This means those with weapons and concealed carry permits will be BEEPED! Oh no!  And if they are BEEPED some security person is going to ask to see their carry permit!  OMG!  And that my friends is the end of liberty and freedom in Texas. Not by Union Marxist Yankees, but by fellow Texans. Secession! (though you can see that makes no sense to the issue at hand please remember this is Texas). Coonskin hats and Bowie knives are flying off the shelves across the Lone Star State!

Of course this has no affect on ANYONE entering the capital building carrying a long gun. ANYONE can walk into the State House with a loaded 12 gauge "streetsweeper" shotgun, an AK 47 [as long as the auto/switch disabled] a 50 caliber sniper machine, an AR15 and so on. All with as many clips and magazines and ammo as one can carry – and I assume drag in a wagon behind you. Really!

There is one caveat to that. The person carrying the loaded Streetsweeper – with 12 rounds of 12 gauge slugs and buckshot who just wants to watch the "baby killer" debate on the floor of the House and talk to that Judge who gave his wife the house and kids – cannot wield it in a "threatening manner". Here in Texas that usually means pointing it at a White Person.  Guns in the Texas Capital Building

What I would like to see is every morning 100 Hispanic Low Riders and 100 Hip Hop artists enter the capital building and walk around with the biggest guns they can find. All the while giving white people nasty looks. That should do it. Come to think of it there is no need for 100 each, just ONE would probably accomplish the same result!  Kick on Guns