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Texas Taliban State Board of Education Removes Thomas Jefferson

IMPORTANT: These text books will be published for not just Texas but for many other states as well. Texas being one of the very few states that orders in total. An order for 4 million books will cause a publisher to print anything.

Pictured here is Don McLeroy, nutcake dentist from Bryan!  A rabid New Earth Creationist who KNOWS his ancestors hunted dinosaurs. He was recently replaced as the Taliban leader by a less offensive Republican evangelical creationist on the board. For more on this creepy crawler read the piece in the Washington Monthly by Mariah Blake

For those following the shenanigans of the Texas Board of Education this week the discussions ended and the vote was made. The 7 Evangelical Creationists got their way in revising American History more to their liking in a 10 to 5 vote, not only party lines but RACIAL LINES, which was more at play than anything else, i.e., codeword "multiculturalism." Though the final vote will not come until May, there is no reason to believe anything will change.

The biggest news of the week was that they managed to remove Thomas Jefferson though they could not remove him from the list of Presidents. After all, he coined the phrase "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!" Can’t have that down here in the the top Christian Execution chamber of America! Jesus loves a good execution. Though he attended only that one…

So The New Deal, Mexicans, Civil Rights, Abe Lincoln, unions and the ACLU are OUT! Jefferson Davis, Phyllis Schlafly, the NRA, the Contract with American, the Heritage Foundation and of course Jesus are IN.

The best thing I have read on all this, though dated a few weeks before the final vote is by Washington Monthly writer Mariah Blake who goes to McLeroy’s home for an interview. Revisionaries – How a group of Texas conservatives is rewriting your kids’ textbooks.