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The 99.9% of women NOT sexually harassed by Herman Cain

Accused of sexually harassing four women, Herman Cain’s defense is that there are thousands of women he did not harass. REALLY. That is his defense. What kind of thinking would you call that? All together now. FAITH BASED!

The harm FAITH BASED religion does is overwhelming. Sure MOST Americans telling their children evolution is a lie and our ancestors hunted dinosaurs does not cause that much trouble. Well, other than making America the laughing stock of the civilized world. And who gives a rat’s ass how the world perceives us anyway? Especially when God and Jesus are going to kill them all and send them to Hell anyway?

But there is cause for concern.

Faith Based religion is the cause of most terrorism in our world. One needs A LOT of faith to blow yourself up for God to cash in on those virgins.

The utter stupidity of denying women abortions AND birth control AND sex education is not only stupid, ignorant, moronic, hypocritical and insane, but it promotes and supports humanity’s most pressing problem, over population. And why doesn’t the media call them out for the stupid, ignorant, hypocritical insane morons they are? SHARE!

The denial of Global Warming – which is not only proved by all science in the world other than those being paid by energy companies or Republican think tanks – while we can all actually SEE IT HAPPENING. Couple that with over population and soon will come Hell and High Water. WHICH IS WHAT THEY WANT. For everyone but them to be killed by God and sent to Hell. FAITH BASED longing for the most horrendous horror show of all time. Making the Holocaust look like child’s play.  AND THEY HOPE AND PRAY FOR IT. My God man…