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The American Museum of Racist A**holes

The American Museum of Racist A**holes

The American Museum of Racist A**holes

Are you a proud patriot who’s tired of fighting those *ANTIFA punks? Do you hate leftists who want to erase our history and heritage? Well then, you’ll just love the American Museum of Racist Assholes! Finally, there is a safe place to protect our racist past from the ravages of inclusiveness. You’ll experience an immersion in racist violence. You’ll be wowed by tributes to a historic war fought to preserve an economy based on slavery. Pile the kids in the car and head on down for a truly educational experience!                                                                             Who says you can’t learn history and be doomed to repeat it?

* I just became aware that the left is now labeled ANTIFA or ‘Anti First Amendment.’  Merely objecting to presidential campaign/KKK rallies – for example, is now considered to be an infringement of their first amendment rights. “The More You Know’