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The Charismatic Democrat Canditate of 1968 – RFK and Obama

Contrary to the powers that be, Barark Obama is not anything like John F. Kennedy, but he is very much like Robert Kennedy.

Starting today, during primaries and before the convention, I want Barack in a Kevlar vest with so many men in black around him he can only be seen from the air.

It is not only that Obama is liberal, charismatic and black, my concern is – thanks to the NRA – our ever increasing American gungoonery where the well armed and unstable take as many innocent people as they can along with them when they decide they have had enough of whatever is eating them up.

Also there is regional perception. Wherever you may be reading this you may at one time pondered how many James Earl Rays’ there are in this newly declared non racist country of ours. Where I live down here in Dumbutt, Texas, I ponder how many James Earl Rays’ live on my street.