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The Corporate Biased Main Street Media is no secret to anyone

Some of the biggest issues we face are kept under wraps. Some of these we are well aware of; like racism, reliance upon invisible sky creatures and being the least taxed nation in the civilized world the dishonest American acclimation that we over taxed.

But there is an even more sinister universal truth at work which we all accept without comment. That for economic reasons (share), the media has a corporate bias that keeps it from calling ignorant bigoted intolerant selfish Republicans – ignorant bigoted intolerant selfish Republicans. Which is why we have to do it here.

[Let me also remind everyone that people who drink too much Bud will buy anything from talking lizards, angry cavemen, failed pirate bands and whoever drops a ton of bricks in the bed of a pickup truck.]

I happened upon this letter to the editor today in the Houston Chronicle putting this into a calmer and more publishable (main stream media) context. Though Diane will receive just as many filthy threatening emails from Tea Baggers no matter…  

No equivalent partisanship

In regard to “Plenty of blame in Clinton vs. Starr feud” (Zest, Page 11, Sunday), do we all need to be beat about the head to wake up to the fact that the primary agenda of the Republican Party for the past 20 years has been to bring down any Democratic president? The reasons for this don’t even have to do with ideology; there was no outrage from Republicans when George W. Bush ran up the deficit and expanded government. These people simply do not accept our constitutionally elected leader if he is not Republican. That’s not going to change soon.

Republicans are not interested in working for the good of the country; their interest is in the good of the party.

Bill Clinton was certainly flawed in his personal life. Many politicians are, and the Republican Party was as relentless in its quest to bring him down as they are now with President Barack Obama. The media like to say that both parties are at fault for the hyperpartisanship paralyzing our country: both parties are power-hungry, both parties are hypocritical. But there was no equivalent effort to delegitimize a presidency by Democrats — even with Bush, whom history will surely show presided over the events that brought our country to its knees.

I’m not saying Democrats are blameless, but I’m sick of seeing the national media showing their supposed lack of bias by equating the actions of the two parties. It’s clear Republicans will say and do just about anything to gain power and keep it.

The scale of their actions to obstruct Congress and undermine the presidency is unprecedented in my lifetime and has absolutely no equivalent on the Democratic side.