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The GOP Liar Mitt, Hypocrite Santorum & Adulterer Newt engage in religious persecution of Obama

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It was a crushing blow when Tea Partiers and tin hat wearers of the GOP couldn’t prove that Honolulu born Obama wasn’t born abroad and smuggled into this country illegally… Not that some have given up. The color of his skin, although he is half white, is an obstacle many can’t get over, so another tack is needed. Let’s judge another man’s Christianity! It is only in recent years that being a Christian has been a per-requisite for office – have they made that qualification into constitutional law yet? It matters not, they know the truth on that issue just as they did on the birth certificate. Worse yet, we have Franklin Graham admitting that he can’t know the heart of another, but he’s certain about the sincerity of some candidates. Who asked him? Stop it, okay?
Martin Bashir exposes the three major GOP critics, for what they are; Mitt Romney the Liar, Rick Santorum the Hypocrite and Newt Gingrich the Adulterer. Judge not lest ye be judged eh?