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The NRA has no reasonable answers


It was recently brought to my attention that using the term GUN ENTHUSIAST is unfair to… Hmm… Well to gun enthusiasts. I was told the word ENTHUSIAST is benign and is used by wine enthusiasts, old car enthusiasts and Beany Baby enthusiasts. Which kind of negates their argument, but gun enthusiasm is much like religion, no one ever claimed it’s logical.

Which brings this to mind:

Whose house would you rather have your kids do a sleepover?

a) At the gun enthusiast’s
b) At the wine enthusiast’s.
c) At the Beanie Baby enthusiast’s.
d) At the old car enthusiast’s

And there you have it. With an extra bang of knowing that you don’t want your kids going to anyone’s house who picked “a”.

We need all guns registered so the rest of us know which houses to keep our children away from.

200 times a day a good gun enthusiast with a gun turns into a bad gun enthusiast with a gun.

When guns become the be-all and end-all of one’s voice and very existence gun enthusiasm itself becomes a mental illness.

Those who really really want a gun are the very ones who really really should not be able to get a gun.

Ted Nugent and his new found partner in crazy Ben Carson are now blaming victims for being shot down by good gun enthusiasts gone bad. With that said, it is far less a stretch to point the finger of responsibility at those 200 gun enthusiasts in Rosewood, Oregon – and the 10% around the nation like them – demonstrating against President Obama by screeching for more guns for more people in more places.

To the NRA, the gun manufacturers and the gun enthusiast belief that more guns in more hands in more places is the answer there is this.

There were two rooms both with a 100 monkeys. In one they put 100 loaded guns with extended magazines. In the other a loaded six shooter. And there you have it.