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The Rich win the Class War in America, Bob Herbert

Winning the Class War

Even as millions of out-of-work and otherwise struggling Americans are tightening their belts for the holidays, the nation’s elite are lacing up their dancing shoes and partying like royalty as the millions and billions keep rolling in.

Recessions are for the little people, not for the corporate chiefs and the titans of Wall Street who are at the heart of the American aristocracy. They have waged economic warfare against everybody else and are winning big time.

The ranks of the poor may be swelling and families forced out of their foreclosed homes may be enduring a nightmarish holiday season, but American companies have just experienced their most profitable quarter ever.

There are areas even a famous advocate for the poor cannot go, even in the New York Times.

Why do Americans so easily accept a generation of ever shrinking wages and salaries, of losing more and more jobs, their health care, their homes their retirement savings and education opportunities for their children? WHILE THEY VOTE FOR TAX BREAKS FOR THE WEALTHY? How stupid are we? Homer is a genius in comparison. Here is why:

1) The billions of dollars the Republican Party spends on the Fantasy Economic League to make Americans believe that tomorrow they will all be making $250,000 a year (after deductions) which they do not want to pay any fantasy taxes on, and that their long lost Uncle Sal will appear naming them beneficiary to his $6 million dollar estate which the do not want to pay any fantasy taxes on.

2) The reality that if Americans squawk too much about their economic hardships – or vote against the GOP supported rich –  bankers, Wall Street and Corporate America will use extortion to deny the idiot masses jobs and access to capital. You Betcha! They will make sure guns and drugs and cheap and available though.

3) The sad truth that millions of young people sat home on their lazy asses November 2nd, while millions of clueless Independents voted for the most Right-wing takeover of the House on Representatives in American History (the very people who caused all their pain in the first place) have with sloth and malice dropped their pants to their ankles, bent over and begged the wealthy to stick it to them from behind harder and longer than ever before. Without a condom.

American Christianity, American Exceptionalism, American Justice, American Democracy MY ASS. The United States of Duh…