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The Simpsons: Homer Votes in 2012 Presidential Election. Obama or Romney?

Homer Simpson casts his ballot in 2012 Presidential election and disappears after making the wrong  choice

We’re treated to a trip to the polling place with Homer Simpson, where he must chose between President Barack Obama and that stiff wealthy guy, Mitt Romney.   The day begins on a rocky note when Homer is asked for his Voter ID, and is told: “Stoppin’ all Americans from votin’ is for the protection of all Americans.” You know that phrase  must have come word for word from a politician.

Faced with the two candidates, we’re treated to an inside view of Homer’s thought processes as he casts his ballot.  Hint: Obamacare plays a large part in his decision. Where is Homie now?  That – I’m afraid is top secret, but never fear, he has an extremely steady job overseas!