Makes a Texan proud to have two out of three of the top nitwits in Congress from Texas! We’re number one! We’re #1!
But what about Ted Cruz you man ask. Well first of all he is in the SENATE, though technically CONGRESS it is different kettle of fish. Being elected in a STATE WIDE vote is more reflective the people in that state than those elected to the House. And secondly, Ted Cruz is not a nitwit, he is a Right-wing lunatic as are the majority of the White Majority in Texas – though not for too much longer.
And again even if you want to include nitwits with Right-wing lunatics the basis of the stupidity and lunacy is Evangelical Christianity. Though I must say Catholics do hold their own what with Clarence Thomas, Torquemada, Antonin Scalia, Allan Keyes, Adolf Hitler, Pat Buchanan, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity…