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The Trump phenomenon fingered out by Rack Jite

The Trump phenomenon finally fingered out by Rack JiteThe short version is: Donald Trump is our middle finger to anyone smarter than we are. The longer version is: Donald Trump is out middle finger to everyone smarter, better educated, more successful, better looking, less Christian and less brown than we are.

I hear we have to reach out to them, listen to them and bend to their wants, needs and complaints.

Okay, let’s sit down at the table and discuss these matters with the Republican Base. First thing we have to do do is put a few things on the before we begin.

Reinstatement of the Confederate flag. No abortions. No new judges on the Supreme Court. No more gun regulations. Round up 11 million Mexicans.  Build a great 3000 mile wall. Deny global warming. Deny evolution. Forced prayer in school. Throw Hillary Clinton in jail. President Obama was born in Kenya and an illegitimate president. Eliminate the EPA. Eliminate the Dept of Education. Lower taxes on the wealthy [I love that one]. Eliminate Obamacare. Eliminate food stamps. Don’t let any more Muslims in. Stop and frisk African Americans for no good reason. Declare Black Lives Matter an illegal organization. Put more bad hombres and thugs in private prisons. Bomb the crap out of whoever needs it. Pull out of all our trade agreements to start a worldwide trade war, giving ChinNa, IndIA and the EU the ball.

Okay, now take all that and shove it over to their side of the table before we can begin talking.