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The View: Bill Maher jumped by steaming hot Elizabeth Hasselbeck

Bill’s behind had barely settled in for a pleasant chat with the View Crew before Hasselbeck’s unrelenting harangue began – and wouldn’t end! Hasselbeck was still steaming over a joke Bill made last February. Maher had made a joke that, were Hosni Mubarak to release the then-captured Lara Logan, they could trade him Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Good huh? Wrong – Elizabeth ‘knows comedy’ and it is not funny!

It should be noted that the joke was made a week before the horrible details of Logan’s time in Egypt were released. I’m somehow certain that Hasselbeck was just a furious before she knew the details.

The long awaited attack was uncomfortable for everyone present, and is obvious that no one agrees with her, but she really showed him – and us, a view we’re really rather not see, of thin-skinned presumed moral superiority.

RJ Adds: Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a FAITH BASED Evangelical Christian doing what Jesus would do. For as Jesus said so well, "Father, don’t ever forgive anyone for anything, ever." 

Palin, Bachmann, Perry and Cain are only able to garner 30% of the GOP vote because of the stone cold stupidity of FAITH BASED Evangelical Christians. But then why hasn’t that intolerant Christian bigot Rick Santorum got his surge?

Rick Santorum is CATHOLIC! So that will never happen. FAITH BASED Evangelical Christians like Jews more than Catholics because, let me get this right, ALL the Jews will SOON either become FAITH BASED Evangelical Christians or be smitten and burned to death and sent to Hell by Jesus Christ. I am not sure what happens to Catholics, perhaps all deported or electrocuted by fence. As Jesus said so well, "Hate your neighbor." And of course Robert Frost’s greatest line, "Something there is that loves a wall."