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The Wendy Davis Song, She needs to shut that whole thing down AGAIN

wendy davis songAs you know by know, Texas Governor Rick Perry convened a second special session on Monday for a few minutes to make the Wendy Davis filibuster irrelevant. The Republican Super Majority passed the law to bring to the floor for a vote to pushing women into motel room abortions, coat hangers and suicide.

This is what it means to be a Christian here in Texas. Well that and an AR15 with a 100 clip.  It’s what Jesus would do. Or so THEY say because Jesus never said a word about abortion, homosexuality or guns.  You see, ITS MADE UP STUFF.  Made up by those who profit by making stuff up about Jesus and profiting from Republican politics by pushing their anti Christian, anti Jesus world view of intolerance, sexism, homophobia, bigotry and their overwhelming callous disregard for anyone not sharing their color, religion or politics.  There is big money in praying upon the ignorance of  nasty white people.

What the GOP cannot take away is that Wendy Davis is now a national celebrity able to bring in big money for her run for governor next year.