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Those against abortion AND birth control are dumber than mud

… And someone should stand up and say so!

AND NO ONE WILL. That is how powerful make believe has become in this First world nation with a Third world mentality.

The most pressing problem on this planet is an ever growing population using up Earth’s resources, primarily water. So the leaders of the largest single Christian denomination, a billion strong, tells not only the Third world but the First world as well, that abortion is murder and they should not use birth control. I am hard pressed to find anything dumber than that.  Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum aside.

And someone, anyone on TV (other than HBO) or in a newspaper should stand up and SAY SO!  But they won’t. Negative views upon "RELIGION" will not be tolerated in this country. And no politician or main stream media figure can do so.    

98% of American Catholic women use artificial contraception

28 states ALREADY mandate that insurance companies cover contraceptives. PDF FILE

Most of this controversy is based upon a big RELIGIOUS REPUBLICAN LIE that the birth control mandate includes RU 486, the morning after pill. FACT. It does not cover birth control that destroys a fertilized egg. No matter what lies Michele Bachmann, Newt Gringrich, Geroge Will, Rick Santorum want to spread. They are Republican and liars. Which have become synonymous.

LIARS, like claiming the wealthy and corporations are JOB CREATORS when they have moved MILLIONS of jobs offshore, destroyed millions of jobs through automation, and do everything in their power to destroy unions so they refuse benefits to workers and pay them less. BIG LIES work better than little lies. Who said that? 

This also coming at the same time as the Komen controversy of denying Planned Parenthood donations used for breast cancer exams because some religious right-wing nutcakes complain. Republicans and Christians here in America sure could care less about women’s health issues, let me tell you. And about 47% of the lady voters vote for them no matter. Most of whom are like Michele Bachmann SUBSERVIENT to their husbands.