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Tom DeLay whines about Liberal jury unfairly out to get him

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Poor pitiful Tom DeLay. Somewhere a million tiny violins play the unjust jury serenade. This morning on the Today show DeLay argued that not only was his conviction for money laundering politically motivated, but so was his
conviction by a liberal jury as well. To hear him talk he had no chance with the most liberal jury in the most liberal county in Texas! 

I know! Let’s do a quick flash-back. Oddly, DeLay’s feelings about the liberal jury differed during the trial. In those happier days, DeLay told reporters he trusted the jury to acquit him, saying liberals are more empathetic. "I know them like they’re my brothers and sisters," he said. Liberals may be more empathetic, sadly for DeLay, ’empathetic’ is apparently listed as a synonym for ‘stupid’ in the conservative Thesaurus.