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Totally Biased: Kamau Bell Hearts Cheerios Mixed-Race Ad in Funny Video

 Totally Biased: Kamau Bell Hearts Cheerios Mixed-Race Ad in Funny Video

As you probably know by now,  this Cheerios  ad is a truly nice thing.  It pictures a family who obviously care about one another, and who happen to be bi-racial. For some reason, this caused the mouthy minority to go wobbling right out of their orbit, spewing disgustingly foul slime – most landing on the website of General Mills.

This is why Kamau Bell  jokingly laments “Dammit America, this is why we can’t have nice things!” The surprise in all of this, is that a bi-racial family caused a reaction at all – it’s 2013!
As is usually the case, some of the haters are so incredibly dumb as to be genuinely funny…And they write their own material. Kamau  dramatizes some of the prize winners and adds quite a few chuckles of his own. Like many Americans, Kamau’s own family resembles the one in the ad – or to wake Republicans up – the wave of the future is here, they are typical Americans!